Thursday, August 4, 2011

Meet your new Friend

‘Oh! I want to join this cooking class, but do not have a company.’ ‘You know, I am contemplating of joining gym, but my friend is slightly busy, so maybe next week.’ ‘There is a new dance class nearby, but I feel weird joining alone.’ Do the above statements sound familiar? Then you suffer from ‘I always want company’ syndrome. From our very inception till death, we are always comforted by people. During our growth years, our parents protect us from every problem and by the time we enter the social world, this responsibility shifts on our friends/spouse. Their opinions, their likings, and their approval become so mandatory, that we sometimes lose connection with our inner selves.

Life is a smorgasbord of problems. In turbulent times, we often turn to family, friends, and even foes for advice, ignoring the most honest person, our conscious. Studies reveal that people who talk to themselves are happier than people who do not. I don’t know about these elaborate psychology class experiments, but yes, in my tough times I have verbal, almost high decibel conversations with myself. At times people think I am a complete psycho, but hey, you know what, it is like two mature individuals (heart and mind) talking to each other, trying to reach a consensus. Even though most of the times, it does not solve problems, but this definitely gives me the power to withstand situations. Most of the times, we try finding emotional support in others and forget to look ‘inside’ where the vortex of energy resides. This true friend always gives a signal in the form of intuition, hunch, etc etc. Now that is a separate issue, if you want to hear/consult this friend or not.

Usually, we often look for the ‘right company’ to pursue an activity/trip but somehow, your best friend’s boss, mother, or spouse always spoils the plan. We scout for one perfect weekend, one right day, and one correct time but that one moment never arrives. Sounds familiar!!! So next time around, play your favourite CD, pick a bucket of KFC chicken wings, open up a bottle of Pepsi and take ‘yourself’ for a spin. If someone joins you, good for them, and if someone does not, go ahead and spend some ‘me’ time. Not only it would give you a moment of some serious introspection, but also, make you less dependent on other people’s choices/ mood swings. On this Friendships day, apart from wishing your regular friends, wish yourself first, because your true friend is your inner self.

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